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Building a view counter with Astro's Server Islands and Actions

Director using a clapperboard
| 4 min read
View count:

I was looking for a use case to start using Actions and Server Islands, two new utilities that were added to Astro (experimentally) in version 4. Luckily, I always have my personal blog as a playground to test new features.

What are Actions and Server Islands?

Server Islands

Server Islands make it possible to defer a component so it renders asynchronolously after the page has rendered. This is particulary useful when you want to render a page statically to an HTML file containing a placeholder. This placeholder will then be replaced by the dynamic content coming in from your server.

This allows for the HTML to be cached by a CDN, improving overall performance. By using Server Islands you can run code in a secure environment on your server where you can connect to all sorts of things: databases, API’s..


Actions make it possible to call a function on your backend, without needing to create an API route for this. An extra benefit is that you benefit from full type-safety, so you know which parameters are expected, and what will be returned. More things are included:

Using the Action on every page view

Creating the action

Let’s define the action in code, under /actions/index.ts.

import { ActionError, defineAction } from "astro:actions";
import { z } from "astro:schema";
import { PageView, db } from "astro:db";
import { isbot } from "isbot";
export const server = {
pageView: defineAction({
input: z.object({
url: z.string(),
handler: async ({ url }, context) => {
const { request } = context;
if (isbot(request.headers.get("user-agent"))) {
throw new ActionError({
code: "FORBIDDEN",
message: "This endpoint is not available for bots",
if (url === "/page-views") {
throw new ActionError({
code: "BAD_REQUEST",
message: "This url is not tracked",
try {
await db.insert(PageView).values({
url: url,
date: new Date(),
return {};
} catch (e) {
throw new ActionError({
code: "BAD_REQUEST",
message: "Error updating views",

The input gets validated through the Zod schema, and in the handler we use the isbot package to verify the request is not coming from a bot, since we don’t want to track those in the page views.

I also want to ignore the /page-views url, since this is the URL for my dashboard where I visualize the page views. Once all these checks passed, we can insert the page view into the database (read about my move to Astro DB here).

If an error would occur during this insertion, we’ll also throw an AstroError.

Calling the action

I call the action in my shared layout through a <script> tag.

import { actions } from "astro:actions";
actions.pageView({ url: window.location.pathname });

Since I’m not using the View Transitions router, this script will get executed on every page, since it’s running in a normal MPA mode.

Using Server Islands to show the view count on blog posts

I used to have quite some React code in place to show the view count on my blog, where I’d first render a placeholder. With @tanstack/react-query I’d fetch the view count from the database through an API route, and then render this instead of the placeholder. This of course added some extra complexity and setup, and I didn’t have type-safety on the API route.

Now I was able to replace all this React code with a few lines of Astro code:

View count:
<ViewCount server:defer url={`/blog/${}`}
><div slot="fallback">
<span class="animate-loading h-[19.5px] inline-block w-12 rounded-sm"

By adding the server:defer directive, I tell Astro to create a Server Island for this component. It will use the fallback content for the initial render, and then render the <ViewCount> when it’s doing fetching the data inside of the component. The component’s code:

import { PageView, count, db, eq } from "astro:db";
const { url } = Astro.props;
const viewCount = await db
.select({ value: count() })
.where(eq(PageView.url, url));
<span class="font-bold">{viewCount[0]?.value}</span>

This enables me to write very little code, with type-safety and the ability to run server-side code in my component, without having to opt in to on-demand server rendering on the full page.

I hope you liked the explanation, let me know in the comments below if you have any questions or remarks!

The code is running live on my blog, and the code can be found on my GitHub.

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